How to Make Video Elsword with HD Setting but Small Size

Tools :
- Recorder : Bandicam JP  v up
- 1st encoder : Freemake Video Converter ( for cutting video, convert to mp4 and little compressing )
- 2nd Encoder : Handbrake ( for High Compressing and Optimize for Web )

How to do?  :
1. First Record with Bandicam
2. Cut or Convert to .mp4 with Freemake to reduce size

3. Compress with Handbrake for High Compressing video

Download Link at the bottom of Article

Setting and Optimizing
1. Setting Bandicam :

Advanced > Video Format Setting > Setting same as the image > Ok

- Size : Can be customized with hardware capabilities
480p = 854x480
720p = 1280x720
1080p = 1920x1080
- FPS is also adjusted with hardware capabilities .
Ordinary 30 , 35 , 50 , or 60

- Codec : Use H.264 or Xvid

Audio :
- Bitrate : According to taste , if you want to use the HD 320 kbps . But so more big size .

Note : KoG already block the use Bandicam via DirectX / OpenGL . So it can only use the Full Screen mode or Rectangle
Pict : 

Credit to ValkyrieAR

Setting Key Bandicam and Others :
After Bandicam Launch, you can Costumize Hotkey

a. For Video Recording :
Video > Checklist Record / Stop Hotkey > press F2 

b. For Screen Capture :
Image >  Cheklist Hotkey > Then Press F3

How to match the scren size with the game?
a. Start Elsword then Minimize Bandicam

b. Click Image Magnifier 

c. Point to Elsword, You will see a red line, and then Click Elsword

d. Now the Screen size  Bandicam will be the same as the Elsword
Press F2 to Record and press F2 again to Finish Recording
Press F3 to take Screenshot

2. Setting Freemake

3. Setting handbrake
Important : How to Visible Advanced menu on Handbrake :
1. Click Tools > Option

2. Click General > Cheklist Show Advanced Encoder Option Tab > Close

Setting Handbrake for Small Size and Web Optimizing

Download Links :
- Bandicam : DOWNLOAD
- Freemake : DOWNLOAD
- Handbrake : DOWNLOAD

Source : ValkyrieAR 
 ValkyrieAR on YouTube

Detailed Setting : Kusnuzon 
 Noz on YouTube

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