Pokemon Natures Effect

Each single Pokémon has its very own character, personality or nature. A Pokémon’s nature affects its stat growth, the Pokéblock tastes it prefers and the berries it can eat without getting confused. Out of the 25 Natures, there are 5 neutral ones that have no special effects or preferences. Each Stat has is decreased by 4 natures and increased by 4 different ones.
Nature Multichart

+ Attack + Defense + Sp.Attack + Sp.Defense + Speed dislikes
- Attack Bashful Bold Modest Calm Timid Spicy (Cool)
- Defense Lonely Docile Mild Gentle Hasty Dry (Beauty)
- Sp.Attack Adamant Impish Hardy Careful Jolly Bitter (Smart)
- Sp.Defense Naughty Lax Rash Quirky Naive Sour (Though)
- Speed Brave Relaxed Quiet Sassy Serious Sweet (Cute)
likes Spicy (Cool) Sour (Though) Dry (Beauty) Bitter (Smart) Sweet (Cute)
berry Figy Berry Iapapa Berry Wiki Berry Aguav Berry Mago Berry
Stat effects
Each non-neutral nature increases one Stat by 10% while decreasing one other also by 10%. This reduction of 10% means 0.9 in the formula and a bonus of 10% means 1.1 in the formula.
Nature Stat Effects
Nature Attack Sp.Attack Defence Sp.Defence Speed
Adamant +10% -10% 0 0 0
Bashful 0 0 0 0 0
Bold -10% 0 +10% 0 0
Brave +10% 0 0 0 -10%
Calm -10% 0 0 +10% 0
Careful 0 -10% 0 +10% 0
Docile 0 0 0 0 0
Gentle 0 0 -10% +10% 0
Hardy 0 0 0 0 0
Hasty 0 0 -10% 0 +10%
Impish 0 -10% +10% 0 0
Jolly 0 -10% 0 0 +10%
Lax 0 0 +10% -10% 0
Lonely +10% 0 -10% 0 0
Mild 0 +10% -10% 0 0
Modest -10% +10% 0 0 0
Naive 0 0 0 -10% +10%
Naughty +10% 0 0 -10% 0
Quiet 0 +10% 0 0 -10%
Quirky 0 0 0 0 0
Rash 0 +10% 0 -10% 0
Relaxed 0 0 +10% 0 -10%
Sassy 0 0 0 +10% -10%
Serious 0 0 0 0 0
Timid -10% 0 0 0 +10%
Taste preference
A Pokémon that likes a certain taste, will gain more stats when eating a Pokéblock than a Pokémon that has no preference or dislikes a certain taste. All neutal natures (Bashful, Docile, Hardy, Quirky, Serious) have no likes or dislikes.
Pokéblock Likes
Bitter (Smart) Calm Careful Gentle Sassy
Dry (Beauty) Mild Modest Rash Quiet
Sour (Though) Bold Impish Lax Relaxed
Spicy (Cool) Adamant Brave Lonely Naughty
Sweet (Cute) Hasty Jolly Naive Timid
Pokéblock Dislikes
Bitter (Smart) Adamant Careful Impish Jolly
Dry (Beauty) Hasty Gentle Lonely Mild
Sour (Though) Lax Naive Naughty Rash
Spicy (Cool) Bold Calm Modest Timid
Sweet (Cute) Brave Relaxed Quiet Sassy
Berry preference
Pokémon with Natures that are listed below will not get confused from eating the appropriate berry in battle. The berry will only heal them.
Favourite Berries
Figy Berry Adamant Brave Lonely Naughty
Wiki Berry Mild Modest Rash Quiet
Mago Berry Hasty Jolly Naive Timid
Aguav Berry Calm Careful Gentle Sassy
Iapapa Berry Bold Impish Lax Relaxed

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